

Qiào Mó Nǚ Qiǎng Tóu Hūn

Outros títulos
  • 俏摩女搶頭婚 - Taiwan
Média geral 2.5
baseado em 10 votos
Sua avaliação:

Six years ago Yuan Fei (Annie Chen) runs out on her immature longtime boyfriend Hao Jian Ren (River Huang), when he doesn't show up on their wedding day. Six years later the two meet again. Yuan Fei is now a career driven single mother and also Jian Ren's senior at work. The two get entangled in a love triangle when playboy Wen Hao Ran (Melvin Sia) comes into the picture. Soon Yuan Fei must choose between her still immature ex-boyfriend Jian Ren or Hao Ran who might just be ready to settle down.

Estreia Mundial:
6 de Dezembro de 2014
Outras datas

Elenco de Boysitter

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