Call from Darkness



Outros títulos
  • Midnight Invitation - Estados Unidos da América
  • Mayonaka no jōtaijō - Japão
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Média geral 3.3
baseado em 3 votos
Sua avaliação:
124 minutos

Keiko Inagawa (Asami Kobayashi) pays a visit to neurologist Aizawa about her fiancé Tatsuo Tamura (Kaoru Kobayashi). A mysterious case involving the disappearance of Tatsuo’s three brothers, one after the other, is yet to be resolved and now Tatsuo, seized with the idea that he too may disappear, has had a nervous breakdown. Aizawa suggests that Tatsuo recount his dreams as a means of solving the mystery, since human beings have an instinct that foretells the near future in the form of a dream. Keiko and Tatsuo eventually discover that the three disappearances have a strange connection…

Estreia Mundial:
26 de Setembro de 1981
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