Escândalos de Broadway


Broadway Scandals

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73 minutos

When the road-show that Ted Howard, a singer, and Mary, a chorus-dancer, goes broke and the company is stranded in the sticks, Ted Uses his own savings to get them all back to New York. Ted and Mary form a team and are doing well when Valenska, a musical comedy queen, asks Ted to join her as an act. Since the offer doesn't include Mary, Ted refuses. But, Mary, who loves Ted, knows this is Ted's big chance, and she instigates a situation that leads to the break-up of their team. Ted does do well, but is also used by Valenska as her boy-toy. When they open a big show, Mary is there as a member of the chorus. This does not set well with Valenska. Complications ensue.

Estreia Mundial:
10 de Novembro de 1929
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