Love Me Not?


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Spying a lissome young woman standing topless on a nearby balcony, Giorgos (Andreas Barcoulis) climbs up onto a nearby rooftop to get a better look. At a critical moment in his climb, his family and friends call out to him and he falls, suffering a terrible blow to the head. Ineed, at the hospital, the family is told that he is brain dead, and that if they like, his heart can be given to someone else as a transplant. Giorgos' grieving wife (Betty Livanou) agrees to this arrangement. The film now follows the recipient of the dead man's heart (Giorgos Constas), as he wanders all over Greece, driven by his newly lusty heart into the arms of many beautiful women. Eventually he is led to the one woman his new heart truly loved, Giorgios' wife.

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