Lupin III: Return of Pycal



Outros títulos
  • Lupin the Third: Return of the Magician - Estados Unidos da América
  • Rupan sansei: Ikiteita majutsushi - Japão
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Média geral 2.5
baseado em 2 votos
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50 minutos

In the country of Greece, Lupin attempts to steal one of the several legendary crystal shards. After nabbing one from a Medditerranean Party, Lupin is chased by who appears to be Inspector Zennigata. But Zennigata isn't acting like himself as he attempts to kill Lupin and demands to know where Fujiko and the crystal shard he has. One things for sure the impostor is someone Lupin knew from the past. A magician who was believed to be dead.

Estreia Mundial:
3 de Abril de 2003
Outras datas

Elenco de Lupin III: Return of Pycal

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