Os Chumbados (2ª Temporada)


John Callahan's Quads! (Season 2)

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16 - Não recomendado para menores de 16 anos 300 minutos

QUADS! tells the story of Reilly O’Reilly, a foul mouthed drunk who gets run over by a millionaire and rendered a quadriplegic. The driver of the car, ridden by guilt and fearful of lawsuits, gives Reilly a mansion.

Reilly fills the mansion with people “less fortunate than himself” and together the handicapped anti-heroes form a dysfunctional family. Reilly’s housemates at Maimed Manor are the blind and black but-not-musical, Fontaine, the head-on-a-skateboard, Blazer, the former masseur with hooks for hands, Lefty, gay Australian physical therapist, Spalding, a hemp-wearing, VW minibus-driving, environmentalist girlfriend, Franny, and a belching, Irish barkeeper friend, Griz.

Estreia Mundial:
7 de Setembro de 2002
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Elenco de Os Chumbados (2ª Temporada)

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