PSI Factor: Chronicles of the Paranormal (1ª Temporada)


PSI Factor: Chronicles of the Paranormal (Season 1)

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  • PSI Factor: Chroniken des Paranormalen (Staffel 1) - Alemanha
Média geral 2.8
baseado em 2 votos
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12 - Não recomendado para menores de 12 anos 946 minutos

The first season introduces members of the O.S.I.R. team, including case managers Conner Doyle (Paul Miller) and Curtis Rollins (Maurice Dean Wint), senior data analyst Lindsay Donner (Nancy Anne Sakovich), physicist Peter Axon (Barclay Hope), Dr. Anton Hendricks (Colin Fox) as well as various other investigators that rotate with each new case. The first season uses elements that are later dropped in subsequent seasons, most notably featuring two unlinked cases per episode. The first season features more of a documentary-style look including hand-held cameras and on-screen interviews with the "experiencers". In the first-season finale, "Perestroika", case manager Conner Doyle is killed in an explosion in an attempt to save the team and to kill a deadly parasite.

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