Receitas de Amor


The Love Doctor

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Gerald Sumner, a young physician and confirmed bachelor, opens his office and finds that he is without patients until a fond mother brings him her son, Bud Woodbridge, whose malady Sumner diagnoses as "love sickness." Woodbridge, in love with Grace Tyler, a fickle debutante who cannot take him seriously because of her infatuation for Sumner, follows Sumner's instructions to rest in the country and take quantities of distilled water administered by Virginia Moore, Sumner's nurse. Because Virginia is in love with Sumner she complies, hoping that his weekend visits will give him love sickness. Grace Tyler's arrival, and her insistence that Sumner marry her, complicate matters. The situation is resolved when Sumner admits that love cannot be cured; he marries Virginia and encourages Bud to marry Grace.

Estreia Mundial:
6 de Janeiro de 1929
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