Segredo da Morte


The Noose

Média geral 3.5
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The Noose is a film adaptation of the Willard Mack play The Noose, which was released in 1928, and stars Richard Barthelmess, Montagu Love, Robert Emmett O'Connor and Thelma Todd. The movie was adapted by Garrett Graham and James T. O'Donohoe from the play. It was directed by John Francis Dillon and Richard Barthelmess's performance was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Actor There is also a short film titled The Noose directed by Loiy Halawa which has been nominated for a number of international film festivals, the film is surrealist silent film about a woman that deals with her lover's suicide through performing a ritual to undo the sin of killing oneself.

Estreia Brasil:
29 de Janeiro de 1928
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