Sinfonia do Jazz


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A musically talented young woman named Marjorie who is part of a stage show, meets a warehouse clerk named Al West who has put together an unusual jazz band. She becomes interested in him and his work and so manages to use her influence to get him into the program for one of the shows at her theatre company.

The manager, Max Mindel has a dislike towards Marjorie so after discovering her affection towards Al, he gives the band notice and hires harmony singers Barney and Bey as a replacement. Marjorie makes up to both men and soon breaks up the duo, getting rid of the competition. Al learns of her scheme, and makes her confess to the singers of her deeds. Barney and Bey make up, and Max gives Al and his band one more chance. Al is a sensation, and Max offers him a contract for $1,000 a week.

Estreia Mundial:
13 de Abril de 1929
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