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  • 해바라기 - Coreia do Sul
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Média geral 4.0
baseado em 23 votos
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14 - Não recomendado para menores de 14 anos 116 minutos

Tae-sik, who cleansed up the neighborhood back alley with his bare knuckle after dropping out of high school, is released on parole. The once sacrificial sheep of Tae-sik’s frank Min-seok has become a detective and Tae-sik’s henchmen friends have turned on each other’s back. As if have forgotten the old days he shared with them, Tae-sik only does what he wishes to do, which was written down on his crumpling small scrapbook. Tae-sik finds a warm shelter in the small neighborhood food joint ‘Sunflower’, where Tae-sik handed his scrapbook to its owner before. Tae-sik tries to live a quiet new life with the lady who runs the restaurant and her daughter, Hee-ju. However, nobody believes him but the owner and her daughter of the ‘Sunflower’.

Estreia Mundial:
23 de Novembro de 2006
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Elenco de Sunflower

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