The Bogeyman



Outros títulos
  • Kummatty - Índia
Média geral 4.0
baseado em 1 votos
Sua avaliação:
90 minutos

The film is a Pied–Piper-like figment of Malabar’s folklore about a partly mythic and partly real magician called Kummatty. Kummatty travels from place to place and entertains children with dancing, singing and performing magic. At one such performance at a village, Kummatty starts to mingle with and weave a spell of carefree abandon around the children of the village. He turns a group of children into animals. But one boy, who was changed into a dog, is chased away and misses the moment Kummatty changed the children back to their human form. The dog-boy has to wait a year until Kummatty returns to the village to get back his human form.

Estreia Mundial:
12 de Julho de 1979
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Elenco de The Bogeyman

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