Um Gentleman de Paris


A Gentleman of Paris

Média geral 5.0
baseado em 1 votos
Sua avaliação:
65 minutos

Le Marquis de Marignan is a French aristocrat and seducer who flirts with every Parisian girl he meets. If dallying with youngster fräuleins isn't enough to keep him busy, the Marquis also has to cope with an unexpected visit from his fiancée and her father. Not to mention that he is so incorrigible in his womanizing that he has even seduced his valet's wife ( a terrible mistake, this last one, because genuine aristocrats know very well that they can't meddle with the servants so if you must put your honour or your status at risk, it will be better if a rich and old heiress is involved.

Estreia Mundial:
1 de Outubro de 1927
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