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28 years (BRA)
Usuária desde Novembro de 2013
Grau de compatibilidade cinéfila
Baseado em 0 avaliações em comum

There is a magic about Fifth Avenue at his hour. An emptiness, a quiet, a moment of limbo as the street lamps fade in the face of the purple onrush of dawn. Presently, on this morning in early September, a lone taxi-cab speeds up the Avenue. It slows down briefly as it passes the International Building with its many air-line windows, the picks up speed again and continues on to the corner of 57th Street where is pulls to the curb and stops.
The cab door opens and a girl gets out. She wears a backless evening dress and carries, in addition to her purse, a brown paper bag. She pays the driver and the cab pulls away. As she stands there, alone on the empty sidewalk. From her paper bag she takes a container of coffee and a piece of danish pastry. The CAMERA FOLLOWS HER as she moves from the curb toward the imposing store, on the corner. Now we can see that it is Tiffany's.

Screenplay by George Axelrod
Based on the Novel by Truman Capote

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  • Filmow

    O Oscar 2017 está logo aí e teremos o nosso tradicional BOLÃO DO OSCAR FILMOW!

    Serão 3 vencedores no Bolão com prêmios da loja Chico Rei para os três participantes que mais acertarem nas categorias da premiação. (O 1º lugar vai ganhar um kit da Chico Rei com 01 camiseta + 01 caneca + 01 almofada; o 2º lugar 01 camiseta da Chico Rei; e o 3º lugar 01 almofada da Chico Rei.)

    Vem participar da brincadeira com a gente, acesse para votar.
    Boa sorte! :)

    * Lembrando que faremos uma transmissão ao vivo via Facebook e Youtube da Casa Filmow na noite da cerimônia, dia 26 de fevereiro. Confirme presença no evento

  • Carlos

    Oi gatinha, quer tc?

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