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  3. > A Bela e a Fera
Média geral 3.3
baseado em 7 votos

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Título La Belle et la Bête (Original)
Ano produção 1908
Dirigido por
1908 ( Mundial )
Outras datas
Duração 4 minutos
Países de Origem


The old merchant bids his lovely daughters adieu and departs with an assistant on a business trip. After riding for a long distance through the forest the two travelers suddenly realize that they have lost their way. So, dismounting, they walk first in one direction and then in another in an effort to find the path which leads back to the village, and while they are thus exploring they come upon a beautiful garden in a remote part of the wood, where they sit down for a while to rest. The old merchant is attracted by the beautiful roses, stoops to pick up a few, when suddenly there appears out of a flame gushing up from the ground an ugly looking beast who reprimands the old man severely for trespassing on his premises and threatens him with death unless he promises him one of his beautiful daughters. After the old man has given his word the beast directs them to the right path, and the merchant is once more in his family circle. He tells his daughters of his meeting with the beast and...

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