A Casa Nostra


A Casa Nostra

Outros títulos
  • La cosa nostra - Argentina
  • 愛と欲望 ミラノの霧の中で - Japão
  • Em Nossa Casa - Portugal
  • Our Country - Reino Unido da Grã-Bretanha e Irlanda do Norte
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102 minutos

Ugo (Luca Zingaretti) is a crooked banker with a shifty hand for finances. Rita (Valeria Golino) is a by-the-books finance officer determined to bring Ugo to justice. In a city where money, or lack thereof, seems to be the motivating factor in the lives of all individuals no matter what side of the law they fall on, the confrontations and contradictions in their lives all come together to offer a revealing look at the value placed on the almighty Euro.

Estreia Mundial:
20 de Outubro de 2006
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