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Título Big Shark Attack (Original)
Ano produção 2021
Dirigido por
2021 ( Mundial )
Outras datas
Classificação 12 - Não recomendado para menores de 12 anos
Países de Origem


In the boundless sea, a giant shark with genetic mutation caused by chemical pollution is running rampant…
The big boss of a chemical plant, Du Heng, wants to buy a fishing ground to develop the ocean world, so he has set up a casino. Lin Haiyang, the owner of the fishery, developed a large gambling debt. However, Lin Haiyang discovers that Du Heng’s company has been polluting the fishing ground so is beaten up and taken captive by Du Heng’s henchmen.
Meanwhile, Lin Kai, the son of Lin Haiyang, goes alone to rescue his father and runs into Pei Lu, the daughter of a worker who was secretly investigating pollution in the chemical plant. The two are taken hostage by Du Heng’s men.
At the same time, the giant mutant shark had become more manic. After Du Heng learns this, he plans to use Lin Kaipei Lu and others as bait to catch the mutant shark. A showdown to the death in the rough and story sea ensues…

大鲨鱼 “Big Shark”

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