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Título Broadway Bill (Original)
Ano produção 1918
Dirigido por
11 de Fevereiro de 1918 ( Mundial )
Outras datas
Duração 50 minutos
Países de Origem


"Broadway Bill" Clayton, a New York playboy and heavy drinker, takes a job at the Maine lumber camp of John Underwood hoping to reform himself and regain the affections of Muriel Latham. Foreman Buck Hardigan, who has been stealing and selling Underwood's maple syrup, suspects that Bill has been sent as a spy and decides to get rid of him. Bill survives several plots on his life and finally defeats Buck in a fight and is elected foreman. His struggle with alcohol is nearly won, but when he reads a newspaper item erroneously stating that Muriel is engaged to another, he decides to drink again. Muriel visits the camp with Underwood, and everything is cleared up after Bill rescues her brother Jack in a snow storm.

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