Darwin's Secret Notebooks


Darwin's Secret Notebooks

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Along the wild edges of the Earth, against a stunning backdrop of aerial, underwater, and wildlife photography, evolutionary biologist Armand Leroi leads us on an unforgettable journey. Its the story we havent heard. Though he circled the world on the “Beagle” for five years, Darwin spent only five weeks on the famed Galápagos. He had no epiphany there no Newtons apple falling from the tree. So what was it? What “certain facts” from the voyage led this young Creationist to propose a theory so radical it remains controversial (though widely proven) 150 years later? Darwins Secret Notebooks brings passages from Darwins writings to life, as we see the clues he saw while listening to his wordsand watch in wonder as CGI animates his ideas, focusing us on critical details and revealing the lucid epiphanies of a magnificent mind.

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