Dawn of 5 Evils


Dawn of 5 Evils

Outros títulos
  • Dawn of five Evils - Estados Unidos da América
Dirigido por:
14 - Não recomendado para menores de 14 anos

Prequel de Death House.

Evil's origins come from the everyday world. A group of inmates inside a special government detention center discovers that five of their fellow detainees are anything but "normal". Four men and one woman possess powers and abilities that challenge both reality and the parameters of true terror. A plan for escape becomes a fight for survival as the inmates learn the true identities of the five "strangers" who have seemed to align with each other and have far bigger and horrific plans than a simple escape.

Estreia Mundial:
Outras datas
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  • Nenhum trailer cadastrado.
  • Nenhuma foto cadastrada.


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