Depeche Mode 1985-86: The Songs Aren’t Good Enough, There Aren’t Any Singles and It’ll Never Get Played on the Radio


Depeche Mode 1985-86: The Songs Aren't Good Enough, There Aren't Any Singles and It'll Never Get Played on the Radio

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“The Songs Aren’t Good Enough, There Aren’t Any Singles And It’ll Never Get Played On The Radio” - Like the other reissues, the DVD includes a documentary on the album. The title—The Songs Aren’t Good Enough, There Aren’t Any Singles and It’ll Never Get Played on the Radio—is Gore paraphrasing Daniel Miller about his demos for Black Celebration in the film. The double-documentary discusses both The Singles 81→85 and Black Celebration, its more challenging commercial success (especially the song “Stripped”) and all five related singles. It also includes a plethora of behind-the-scenes footage of the making of Black Celebration and the ensuing tour. Highlights include the band meeting The Cure, and behind the scenes footage of several of the music videos. The documentary is nearly an hour long.

Estreia Mundial:
26 de Março de 2007
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