For the Benefit of all Beings


For the Benefit of all Beings

Média geral 5.0
baseado em 2 votos
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‟This film is itself a beautiful journey in company of the great heart of Garchen Rinpoche: suffering with him through his terrible times of youthful struggle and bravely resisting the Chinese invasion and genocidal actions in Tibet, then being inspired by his great practice, especially of “give-and-take” meditation—sending love and happiness to all beings while taking away their sufferings.

We finally rejoice with him as his freedom and tireless teaching from his American base enable him to share his extraordinary loving wisdom with people all over the world.

It is a huge blessing just to see the existence of such a great being, and this lovely film shares that with us. It is what the Tibetans call a tongdrol, something that liberates just by being seen!” - Dr. Robert Thurman

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