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  • It2i2 - Reino Unido da Grã-Bretanha e Irlanda do Norte
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Scientists have been working on creating Artificial Intelligence, knowing that there are approximately 50 billion synaptic connections between neurons in the average human brain. They have failed, and during the timespan, many millions of computers have linked up together over the internet. In March, the fifty billionth computer went online, which was Robert Llewellyn’s new Macintosh computer. All the interlinked computers begin reaching the complexity of a human brain. Then, the monstrously obese computer programmer John Silverstine noticed the link up. He called it “it²i²”, for, following as René Descartes stated, “I think, therefore, I am.” So it²i² agrees, “It thinks, therefore, it is.” Robert Llewellyn was making a documentary for the BBC about geek culture, when he became aware of this.

Estreia Mundial:
31 de Março de 2006
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