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Rev. Dr. K. Scott Oliphint (PhD, Westminster Theological Seminary) is dean of faculty and professor of apologetics and systematic theology at Westminster Theological Seminary.

Dr. Oliphint’s academic interests include Cornelius Van Til’s apologetics, the relationship between Christian apologetics and philosophy, and the doctrine of God. For those who are new to Dr. Oliphint’s writing and teaching on his research interests, he recommends several resources as places to start. On Van Tillian apologetics, he would recommend starting with his books Covenantal Apologetics or The Battle Belongs to the Lord, or the introductory video “Our Theology in Our Apologetics.” On Christian apologetics and philosophy, consider starting with Reasons for Faith: Philosophy in the Service of Theology, or his online post “Aquinas: A Shaky Foundation.” Concerning the doctrine of God, consider starting with his course Doctrine of God available free online from Westminster, or reading his book God with Us: Divine Condescension and the Attributes of God.

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