La maison tranquille


La maison tranquille

Outros títulos
  • Troubles in a Tenement House - Estados Unidos da América
  • What is Home Without the Boarder - Estados Unidos da América
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Média geral 3.4
baseado em 16 votos
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1 minutos

"This picture shows the ground floor and also the first floor front of a modern lodging house. In the lower room the landlord and his lady are having dinner, while above them four young men lodgers are competing as to who can make the most noise. Tiring of this amusement, they bore through the floor and let down an enormous spider, which upsets the dinner party. One of the lodgers falls through the ceiling and upsets the place and drives the landlady into hysterics by very cleverly simulating an elephant by means of a tablecloth and two broomsticks. Finally a policeman appears on the scene, but getting under the hole in the ceiling, is completely overwhelmed with furniture."

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