La prophétesse de Thèbes


La prophétesse de Thèbes

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  • The Prophetess Of Thebes - Estados Unidos da América
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One of the kings of ancient Thebes enters the abode of an astrologer and demands that he be told his future. The former utterly refuses to forecast the coming events of his sovereign, even under the pain of death; but he brings forth a priestess who possesses the powers of divination. This priestess is introduced in a wonderful way: a throne is brought forward, and then a box from which the pieces of a statue are removed and piled up in regular order; the statue suddenly becomes animated. The king implores the latter to foretell his life. She commands him to look through a telescope toward the side of the room. A vision appears, disclosing him seated upon a chair of state and surrounded by his court, when suddenly he falls to the floor, dead from assassination. The king is furious. He seeks to kill the astrologer, but his sword is of no avail against this master magician. A bag of gold is finally brought, and when this is delivered the curse is lifted.

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