Le Tambourin Fantastique


Le Tambourin Fantastique

Outros títulos
  • The Knight of Black Art - Estados Unidos da América
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We are introduced to the banqueting hall of an old-time castle. Servitors stand awaiting the arrival of their master, who, appearing on the scene, throws his cloak to an attendant; unbuckling his sword, he hands him that also, then at the word of command the attendant throws them upward and they vanish. The knight then takes two large rings, a sheet of paper, which he places on one of the rings, then fitting the other over the paper draws it taut as a drum. Two attendants then hold the paper-covered rings upright, another hands a paint brush and paint to the knight, who proceeds to draw a face on the paper. This at a sign changes into a laughing, roguish character. The knight then plunges his arms through the eyes of the figure and draws therefrom bottles of wine which he hands to an attendant who surreptitiously drinks their contents. Making an incision where the mouth is drawn, our knight takes therefrom shawls, scarves and wraps of the finest texture. Taking the rings from the...

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