Mesmerist and Country Couple


Mesmerist and Country Couple

Média geral 3.5
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“Mr. and Mrs. Hayseed have heard of this wonderful Professor, and come to his office. They waken him from a trance, give him a fee and he hypnotizes them. The stunts they do while under his influence would make the Sphinx laugh for joy. Hayseed stands on his head, balances himself on a chair and takes off his clothes. Mrs. Hayseed also begins to disrobe, but she goes behind a screen. Her bare arm appears over the top, and she drops her clothes on the floor. It is a hair raising moment to guess what she’s going to do next. The mystical appearances and lightning changes are managed with wonderful cleverness.” (Edison film catalog)

Estreia Mundial:
17 de Junho de 1899
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Elenco de Mesmerist and Country Couple

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