O Melhor do Rock Inglês


O Melhor do Rock Inglês

Média geral 3.2
baseado em 2 votos
Sua avaliação:

01 01 The Beatles - "Till There Was You" - 1964
01 02 The Rolling Stones - "Not fade away" - 1964
01 03 The Yardbirds - "I' a man" - 1965
01 04 The Animals - "We Gotta Get Out Of This Place" - 1985 / "Its my life" - 1966 / "I'm Crying" - 1966
01 05 The Mooby Blues - "Go Now" - 1965
01 06 The Zombies - "She's Noy There" - 1965
01 07 The Searchers - "Love Potion nº 9 - 1965
01 08 Herman's Hermits - "Can't tou feel my heartbeat" - 1965
01 09 John Lenon - "Imagine" - 1972

Informações de Contra-Capa:

The Beatles - "Till There Was You" - 1964
The Rolling Stones - "Not fade away" - 1964
The Yardbirds - "I' a man" - 1965
The Animals - "We Gotta Get Out Of This Place" - 1985
"Its my life" - 1966
"I'm Crying" - 1966
The Mooby Blues - "Go Now" - 1965
The Zombies - "She's Noy There" - 1965
The Searchers - "Love Potion nº 9 - 1965
Herman's Hermits - "Can't tou feel my heartbeat" - 1965
John Lenon - "Imagine" - 1972

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