Out of Depth


Out of Depth

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12 - Não recomendado para menores de 12 anos 100 minutos

When his mother is attacked by Ed, a small time crook, Paul Nixon wants revenge. Frightened of the possible repercussions to both his personal and emerging professional life, Paul enlists the help of an old school friend, Steve. Together they visit Pussy Cat Lenny, a strip joint owner and gangland enforcer, and ask him to give Ed a slap. In setting up the beating, Lenny meets up with an old friend, a heavy villain called Tate. Tate also wants Ed, but this time he wants him dead. Lenny takes the contract. After the killing Lenny is forced to consider his future. The underworld, the only world he knows, is changing and he's getting too old to change with it. When his son needs his help, Lenny realises his only way out is to force Paul to do him a favour. An act which has grave repercussions for all concerned.

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