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Peggy Cameron, a New York high society favorite, suddenly must move to the moors when her uncle and guardian, Andrew Cameron, insists that she come live with him in Scotland. Despite the gloomy surroundings, Peggy does her best to maintain her New York life style and, as a result, her fast driving and men's clothing dismay the straitlaced Andrew, as well as the other villagers. Then, however, Peggy shows her serious side when she comes to the aid of an unmarried expectant mother who has been made a social outcast. From this, Peggy wins the grudging respect of the villagers. Finally, the Reverend Donald Bruce, who has fallen in love with her, persuades Peggy to stay in Scotland and marry him after Andrew, ironically, has agreed to let her return to the United States.

Estreia Mundial:
2 de Janeiro de 1916
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