Ring Raiders


Ring Raiders

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A group of Heroic pilots from around the world and time called the Ring Raiders try to stop the sisister actions of Pirate Pilots, with the help of their Power Rings.

The series is based on a toy line from Matchbox/Those Characters From Cleveland that began in 1988. Many characters were made up for the TV show that weren't in the toy line - Jenny Gail and Siren being two major ones. Many characters were given new backstories and appearance changes - a major example is Chiller, who had a beard and a totally different face in the toy line. The character of Max Miles was Caucasian in the line, but redesigned here as an African-American, most likely to make him resemble his voice actor Roscoe Lee Browne. In addition to the TV show, there was also a comic book series.

Estreia Mundial:
16 de Setembro de 1989
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