Secret Army


Secret Army

Outros títulos
  • Geheim kommando - Bélgica
  • El ejército secreto - Espanha
  • Maanalainen armeija - Finlândia
  • Hemliga armén - Suécia
Média geral 5.0
baseado em 1 votos
Sua avaliação:
2150 minutos

During World War II, the kind, intelligent and worrisome Albert Foiret runs both a café, which is the only notable public house in a small Belgian town, where locals therefore naturally mix with the Nazi occupation forces, and a just as publicity-shy (even his bed-ridden wife knows nothing) network of the Belgian resistance, devoted to the evacuation of shot-down Allied pilots to Britain. He and his secret 'army' (including some of his staff and the Brussels Dr. Pascal Keldermans), taking orders by illegal radio from London, constantly risk their lives -and if caught by the professionally torturing Gestapo, possibly everyone else's- to find the pilots, hide, nurse and prepare them for the long, dangerous journey out of the Reich under the Nazis' noses, a never ending cat-and-mouse game against specialized German hunters, run by the gentleman Luftwaffe (Air Force)- Major Erwin Brandt and the ruthless Nazi 'secret state police' run by the cunning, authoritarian Sturmbannfuhrer Ludwig Kessler, whose devotion to Hitlers cause is boundless. Only when the Allies advance on the Ardennes after the Normandy landing, the rules and central cast start changing.

Estreia Mundial:
7 de Setembro de 1977
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