Space Rangers


Space Rangers

Outros títulos
  • Avaruuspartio 2104 - Finlândia
Média geral 2.0
baseado em 1 votos
Sua avaliação:
280 minutos

Space Rangers is an American futuristic science fiction drama. The series aired on CBS in 1993. The show was created by Pen Densham and Trilogy Entertainment Group.

In the year 2104, the Earth colony Fort Hope on the distant planet Avalon struggles to survive. A small force of police/marines called the "Space Rangers Corps" are the first, last and only line of defense for the colonists against crime and the perils of interstellar exploration. The series concentrates on Captain John Boon and his team of Rangers aboard Ranger Slingship #377.

Estreia Mundial:
6 de Janeiro de 1993
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