The Bad Man


The Bad Man

Média geral 2.8
baseado em 2 votos
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77 minutos

Walter Huston plays the part of a notorious Mexican bandit. James Rennie plays as the man who once saved his life. When Rennie is unable to pay the mortgage on his ranch and is in risk of losing everything, Huston determines to help him. Sidney Blackmer, who has reason to believe that there is oil on Rennie's property, attempts to swindle Rennie and buy the property from him for a low price. Huston soon discovers that Rennie is in love with Blackmer's wife, played by Dorothy Revier, and consequently has Blackmer shot so that they can pursue their romance. Huston then robs a bank and uses the money to pay off Rennie's mortgage. Having the ranch securely in his hands, Rennie is now free to marry Revier. As Huston says goodbye to the couple, he is overtaken by the Texas Rangers and shot.

Estreia Mundial:
13 de Setembro de 1930
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