The Jersey Devil


The Jersey Devil

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Josephine Leeds was cursed by the townspeople of Shroud's Point for being the widow of a traitor and ultimately a whore. She was outcast and left to fen for herself and her family. One by one Josephine's children fell to starvation, and as they died she fed their remains to herself and her surviving children. What started as a struggle for survival became a blood lust that consumed her and slowly drove her insane. By the time she was pregnant with her last child, she swore it would be born without a soul because of what she had done. Josephine vowed vengeance upon the people of Shroud's Point for forsaking her, and her soul-less child would carry it out. Born deformed of body and soul the Leeds baby would feed on what it had a taste for... human flesh. Two-hundred and Sixty years later... the legend continues.

Estreia Mundial:
31 de Outubro de 2005
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Elenco de The Jersey Devil

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