The Manor


The Manor

Média geral 2.0
baseado em 2 votos
Sua avaliação:
12 - Não recomendado para menores de 12 anos 97 minutos

"The Manor," is the macabre tale of mental patient, Amy Hunter and the horrific events that follow her release from Psychiatrist, Dr. Tryvniak. Amy's mother, Jane feels it best to immerse her daughter in the warm, family atmosphere of Anders Manor, inviting Amy's long lost family to join them at the manor. The Manor, however, has deeper plans for the Hunter Family, as gatecrashers and cultists arrive as the nefarious and ancient demonic force, Aka-Mana goes to work, in short order, to sow madness and reap blood.

Estreia Mundial:
15 de Maio de 2018
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