Un peu de feu s.v.p.


Un peu de feu s.v.p.

Outros títulos
  • Every Man His Own Cigar Lighter - Estados Unidos da América
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Três segundos de Georges Méliès fumando um charuto.

According to the original Star Film Catalogue description, this mostly-lost short film was about an English millionaire who, while vacationing in France, wishes to light a smoke while sightseeing. However, as all he can find is a single match which won't light, he asks several other passers-by to oblige him, but is turned down. Suddenly, he has a brilliant plan: he'll create a gentleman who will oblige. With this, he magically divides himself into two different millionaires, both of them completely identical. One of these two personages asks the other of a match; he happily obliges, and the two men then merge back into one person.

Estreia Mundial:
13 de Fevereiro de 1904
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Elenco de Un peu de feu s.v.p.

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