Wolf of Chawl Street


Wolf of Chawl Street

Dirigido por:
Média geral 3.0
baseado em 1 votos
Sua avaliação:
18 - Não recomendado para menores de 18 anos 9 minutos

A mockumentary on a slum-boy who aims to make it big as an artist in Mumbai. In his words, "During Ganpati festival, I won the third prize for four years in the drawing competition". In this rendition of slum living, crime is considered prideful. But Luv is a source of worry for his mother, for he is neither wanted by the police nor an alcoholic- which is apparently a disgrace in their world.
One fine day, he hears about Banksy, the graffiti artist and political activist, which sparks the idea for an insidious business scheme that enables Luv to live up to his mother's expectations and also chase his dream of being an artist.

Estreia Mundial:
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