Star Wish



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  • Hsing Yuan - Taiwan
  • Xing Yuan - Taiwan
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Child star (Chen Yirong ornaments) and Yao days (Zhang Xiaoquan decoration) love together, is the music on the Jin Jin Jinyu girl. 18-year-old birthday that day, sub-stars and Yutian similar mountain climbing, unfortunately, mountainous, Yao days of death, son's birthday into a bright day of the day ... after the child has been in the loss of love sadness, change…

In a whole game, the child met Hao Yang (Zhang Tianlin decorated), the sunny boy with action to prove the love of the stars, the stars of the cold gradually melt ... but at this time, found a and Yao Tian looks exactly the same person - Mason, Yao Tian's twins brother, he also obsessed with the child star. The face of infatuation of the Hao Yang, and Yao days the same Mason, and their own can not forget the days of Yao days, sub-stars know what to do.

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