


Média geral 2.8
baseado em 2 votos
Sua avaliação:
300 minutos

Sixty-six-year-old postman Les Mutton (Leslie Nielsen) becomes the incompetent possessor of super powers. Saddled with the deep seated desire to live up to the impossible standards of his dead secret agent dad, he dedicates his life to fighting crime, upholding justice, and saving up for that little hobby farm in the country. Zeroman is a man on a mission, successfully fumbling his way to the finish line. A superhero who's never afraid to act now and think later. OK, so maybe he sometimes forgets to think at all. Brave beyond reason, Zeroman fears nothing-except his mom.

Estreia Mundial:
11 de Setembro de 2004
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Elenco de Zeroman

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